Ongoing Litter Picks

The last large litter pick was in November, but individual members of the Weaverham Trust continue to litter pick.

It is noticeable that the level of litter in the village has increased since 2017, even though the five large litter picks in 2018 collected 147 bags of litter plus numerous larger dumped items, and CWAC Street Scene cleared the car park behind the Northwich Road shops as a goodwill gesture. A huge thank you goes out to all the residents who have supported our organised litter picks this year.

The village still does not have a street cleaner, and further litter is being caused by households illegally leaving their rubbish by the village litter bins.

The exits from the village suffer the most from rubbish thrown from cars.

An individual litter pick on 22nd December along Well Lane from Shadybrook Lane to Sandy Lane, a little over 200 metres, require two large bags and consisted of :

  • 1 litre juice bottle

  • 7 disposable coffee cups

  • 8 20cl whisky bottles

  • 1 75cl wine bottle

  • 7 large plastic bottles

  • 7 small plastic bottles

  • 2 cafe crème tins

  • 22 cans

  • half a bag of non recyclable rubbish including crisp packets, McDonald takeaway wrappings and sweet wrappers.

All this is new rubbish since the November litter pick.

The danger to wildlife was emphasised by the discovery of two putrefied mouse bodies in a polythene bottle.

The multiple whisky bottles of the same brand lead to the conclusion that this is a serial litterer.


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