
General news

Kerry Parvin of the BBC came to interview Glen Gidley (chairman) and Alan Mills (vice chairman) about the Trust’s bulb planting in Weaverham. The interview was shown on BBC NW 6:30 News on 25th March 2021. As well as the interview, Kerry took some very arty pictures of the daffodils. […]

Weaverham Trust’s Daffodils On BBC NW News

  Our first online Weaverham Newsletter! Thank you so much to everyone who has registered to receive this 1st ever, fully electronic newsletter! We hope this finds you and your family safe and well and we hope the information provided in here during these unprecedented times is useful and maybe […]

Weaverham News -Lockdown Special Edition

The second varieties of daffodils have come into bloom on Northwich Road.  Unfortunately those on the left entering the village have not fully recovered from the trampling of dog walkers. Hopefully they will be more aware next year.

Second Blooming of Daffodils in April on Northwich Road

We Need Your Help! After speaking to residents & regular content providers we have taken the decision to pull an extra edition of the Weaverham news together. This edition will specifically focus on the current pandemic situation and information relating to it from different groups & businesses in the area. […]

Corona Virus & the Weaverham News